Make Your Saintly Orb
Step 1:
Take 4 pipe cleaners
Step 2:
Bind 2 pipe cleaners
Shape around head & ears
Step 3:
Add first arch
Step 4:
Add second arch
Step 5:
Don your ORB and glow
You are invited to BECOME THE O and wear your Saintly Orb throughout the experience.
A few reminders:
1. Never touch the performer unless instructed to do so.
2. This is an interactive experience, when asked, you are encouraged to participate. If you find an interaction too overwhelming, you may simply say "pass."
3. The actress will occasionally move about the audience. To avoid this interaction, please sit closer to the back.
4. This work broaches sensitive subject matters that could be triggering. If at any moment you feel the need to leave, you have permission to quietly get up and leave the theatre.
5. This experience is about 1 hour with no intermission.
Vera- Lauren Hance
Saints- You, our audience
Director & Developer
Amelia Peterson
Cathy Lam-Patrie
Technical Manager
Jessica Brown
Production Assistant
Felicity Singleton
Station Theater
Jessica Brown
Robert Hance
All the women who bravely shared their stories during the creation of Holy O.
Thank you for attending tonight's performance and supporting Holy O.
It takes a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to make this show a reality. It also takes a significant amount of capital to tour the show. Any amount you can contribute tonight will help.
Ways to GIVE
@LaurenKHance24 (x2326)
Cold Hard Cash
Hand to Lauren